
Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Random Thoughts!!!!

: You know Vivek, sometimes I wonder why do things have to change.

Vivek: They change for better.

Jhum: Come on, Don't give me a bookish answer, you also know that's not true.

Vivek : Who said that?

Jhum : Don't tell me that you are happy with how the things are shaping out for you.

Vivek: If I say I'm happy then I'll be fooling myself, but to be frank it isn't that bad also

Jhum : But is it that Good?

Vivek: Well its all in the mind...

Jhum : Again bookish!!!

Vivek: You know what Jhum, whenever you are at cross-roads in life, whichever path
you choose, it doesn't matter, you'll always feel the other path would have been better.

Jhum: No, I never think that.... I never regret on any of my decisions.

Vivek: I'm not saying you repent, you will at some point of time think that wish you would have taken the other path.

Jhum : So what's wrong in that.?

Vivek: When did I say that this is wrong, I'm just trying to say that we often compare
things and that leads to depression.

Jhum: I'm not depressed.

Vivek : But you are not liking the things that are changing right??

Jhum: Hey.. one min... you can't always be happy.

Vivek : Its all relative, whatever makes you happy now will not always make you happy.

Jhum : I know that, but still...

Vivek: still what?

Jhum : Things should not change as long as you are happy with them

Vivek: Hey, that's what life is all about...

Jhum: F****** life theories!!!!

Vivek : Ha Ha Ha

Jhum: Why are you laughing

Vivek: You make me smile...

Jhum: How many times you gonna tell this.

Vivek: As long as you make me smile

Jhum: So what will you do when I'm not there to make you smile.

Vivek : Somebody else will make me smile :-) , You see.. everyone in this world is redundant and can be replaced, this might sound harsh but is true !!!!

Jhum : Agree!!!! But you know Vivek, how much ever fundaes you give, how much mature you try to sound, people will still think you as a KID !!!!

Vivek : Jhum, know what, things will change... and will change for better !!!!



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